Quality, technology, experience and professionalism are the cornerstones of competitiveness and prosperity, not only for the company but also for each individual employee.
EL 6 prioritizes ensuring a corporate environment that encourages the involvement of the employees in constant improvement of the company, increasing the customers’ satisfaction by means of an efficient quality management system.
To ensure the stable performance of the company, the EL 6 management accepts the following duties:
The company ensures the efficient performance of the quality management system, and the involvement of employees in its continuous improvement, and also continuously strives to increase staff satisfaction.
The EL6 management accepts responsibility for the implementation of this Policy and for communicating it to each employee and other stakeholders.
LLC «El 6»
115054, Moscow,
Kosmodamianskaya embankment, house 52,
building 5, floor 5, office 47
+7 (495) 789-96-46© 2013-2025.
All rights reserved.