Chelyabinsk, January 18, 2023: The anode block baking line resumed operation at the Chelyabinsk production site.
The Chelyabinsk production site El 6 has started production of pilot batches of baked anode blocks for the metallurgical industry.
In 2021, the company launched a program for the depreservation of equipment. In March 2022, the line for the production of graphite blanks was completely restored as part of an internal corporate program. In November, an anode block baking line was put into operation. In 2023, the company plans to resume the production of another type of product - green anode blocks.
“To date, the first 100 tons of anode blocks have been shipped to the customer. The demand for our products is growing, and in 2023 we plan to increase production volumes, ”- Ilya Belyakov, Director of the El 6 Chelyabinsk branch.
EL6(previously EPM Group) is the leading Russian manufacturer of graphite and carbon-based products. Its core business is production of high-tech electrode, cathode and other graphite and carbon-based products for enterprises of steel, aluminum, ferroalloy, silicon, chemical, and machine-building industries. It is one of the world’s top 10 manufacturers of carbon-graphite products. The company includes three largest electrode enterprises, such as EL6 Novosibirsk, EL Chelyabinsk, and EL6 Novocherkassk.
LLC «El 6»
115054, Moscow,
Kosmodamianskaya embankment, house 52,
building 5, floor 5, office 47
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