The fixed station for atmospheric air monitoring was put into trial operation at the Chelyabinsk site of ENERGOPROM Group. It’s the first environmental monitoring station in the city which was created on a private initiative, without public funding.
Currently the environmental monitoring station has successfully passed acceptance procedures, commissioning and has been successfully put into trial operation. It already acquires data on the quality of the atmospheric air, but by the end of the year it is still to pass the accreditation. After that, the data will be automatically and continuously transmitted to the regulatory authorities.
The fixed station is one of EPM-ChEZ and Doncarb Graphite Chelyabinsk site environmental initiatives, which were approved by federal and regional experts, and which are approaching the final stage of implementation. At the beginning of the year, the Unified Ecological Center was established; it united the efforts of enterprises in this direction. In summer, the Control Center was launched, which is equipped with a video monitoring system that controls the operation of dust-collecting and gas-handling equipment on a 24-hour basis.
Anton Bednyak, the head of the Unified Environmental Center, said: “Both enterprises have already passed environmental audits and now experts should give us their conclusions and recommendations. An environmental strategy for the development of enterprises will be based on these data.”
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