November 8, 2021: EPM Group announces rebranding. The new name of the company is EL 6, the names of the plants: El 6 Novosibirsk, El 6 Novocherkassk, El 6 Chelyabinsk.
This decision was made because the name “EPM Group” is not original and does not reflect affiliation to the carbon and graphite industry.
El 6 means "Element 6", carbon, the sixth element of the periodic table - the basis of the entire carbon-graphite industry. Without the use of carbon-graphite products, the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the production of silicon, in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy is unattainable.
The elements of the company's logo form a fluttering flag - a symbol of achievements and victories. For a unified perception of the brand in the Russian and foreign markets, the name is shown in Latin letters.
The color scheme will remain orange and graphite. Graphite is the native color of the company's high-tech products. This color contains the very name of the material produced. Orange is the color of a glowing graphite electrode.
The new brand conveys an attitude towards everything that the company does and reflects its values: reliability, technology, professionalism.
El 6 (formerly EPM Group) is a leading Russian company specializing in the production of carbon and graphite products. The main activity is the production of high-tech electrode, cathode and other carbon-graphite products for steel, aluminum, ferroalloy, silicon, chemical and machine-building industries. The geography of supplies is more than 60 countries of the world. EPM Group includes two largest electrode plants: Novosibirsk and Novocherkassk, as well as Donkarb Graphite LLC (sites in Novocherkassk and Chelyabinsk).
LLC «El 6»
115054, Moscow,
Kosmodamianskaya embankment, house 52,
building 5, floor 5, office 47
+7 (495) 789-96-46© 2013-2025.
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