Moscow, March 7, 2018 TMK and ENERGOPROM Group signed a long-term contract for graphite electrode supply for TMK arc furnaces for a period of 2018–2022.
The contract will cover about 40% of the annual demand of TMC for graphite electrodes, and provides for a formula pricing. Graphite electrodes will be supplied from Novocherkassk Electrode Plant (the entity of ENERGOPROM).
"ENERGOPROM aims to build long-term and mutually advantageous relations with the consumers of our products. The long-term contract with TMK represents in many aspects a new mechanism for the benefit of both parties. The confidence in supplies and quality of our graphite electrodes for TMK and other clients, among which large Russian companies prevail, as well as the possibility to plan and implement measures to increase the volumes and to improve the quality of our products are the main advantages of this mechanism," Viktor Nechuyatov, CEO of ENERGOPROM, said.
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