The life and health of employees and the prevention of emergency situations at enterprises are one of EL 6’s priorities.
Each of the enterprises has OHS services, which include trained and experienced specialists.
Workers are fully provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) and overalls. New promising PPE is regularly tested, with the most effective PPE selected for each job. At the EL 6 enterprises, all legislative acts are fully complied with, the expert examination schedule for buildings and structures is observed, all the necessary licenses are maintained.
Each of the enterprises has OHS services, which include trained and experienced specialists.
The Golden Safety Rules are in place at El 6, which are a set of key OHS principles and rules that are under the special control of managers at all Company levels.
Golden Safety Rules:
Before you start working, make sure the equipment is in good condition and the necessary guardrails are in place.
SDGs for EL 6
LLC «El 6»
115054, Moscow,
Kosmodamianskaya embankment, house 52,
building 5, floor 5, office 47
+7 (495) 789-96-46© 2013-2025.
All rights reserved.