By upholding and sharing the values outlined in the UN Global Compact, EL 6 follows its mission, in line with the global sustainable development agenda, which includes areas such as decent work and economic growth, good health and well-being, sustainable cities and communities, provision of clean water and sanitation, climate action.
EL 6 is working continuously to increase social responsibility and improve the well-being of 4,900 employees.
In 2023, the average salary growth in the Company reached 16%, while the costs of social programs for employees exceeded hundreds of millions of rubles.
The key social responsibility initiatives in 2023 – 2024:
Development of operation regions
As a major employer in the operation regions, we care about the sustainable development of the areas where our employees live and work. We are developing the settlement infrastructure, investing in social and sports projects, and implementing comprehensive charitable programs.
SDGs for EL 6
LLC «El 6»
115054, Moscow,
Kosmodamianskaya embankment, house 52,
building 5, floor 5, office 47
+7 (495) 789-96-46© 2013-2025.
All rights reserved.