Novosibirsk, April 10, 2019 EPM-Novosibirsk Electrode Plant (EPM-NovEP, member of EPM) has received the mixing plant EIRICH from Germany.
The cargo with a total weight of 40 tons was delivered from Hartheim (Germany) with eight trailers. The trailers covered the distance of 4.5 thousand km in two weeks. Representatives of EIRICH will also arrive in the near future in order to discuss the upcoming installation of the mixing plant at EPM-NovEP.
The equipment is stored in the warehouse now; after the customs clearance is passed and the required documents are obtained, the experts of EPM-NovEP will move it to the installation site in the paste shop. The work is underway here to prepare for reception of the equipment for commencement of construction of a new mixing plant.
EIRICH mixing complex will be used to prepare the paste for pressing UHP, SHP, HP, RP brand graphite electrodes.
Construction of the new mixing plant is an investment project of EPM-NovEP aimed at ensuring the uniform quality of the electrodes and improving the reliability of their operation. Capacity of the new complex is five times higher than that of the old type mixers, which will help increase the amount of products. Commissioning of the EIRICH mixing plant is scheduled for Q3 2019.
The contract between EPM Group and EIRICH for installation of the mixing plant was signed in March 2018. Two EIRICH mixing plants are planned to be installed at EPM-NovEP by late 2019.
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